Tuesday, January 25, 2022

A Yea

President Biden has now completed the first year of his four year term.  It only seems fitting that we look back at his first year and draw some  conclusions.

First of all, I don't agree with his dismal poll numbers.  He's definitely doing better than his critics think.  It's easy to forget the mess he inherited.  It's going to take time to repair the damage done by Trump.  In fact some of that damage can't be repaired.  For example the appointment of incompetent judges to the Supreme Court.   We have yet to see how much that is going to hurt people.

But about Biden himself I have to say the reviews are mixed.  The first and biggest blunder was his handling of the evacuation of Afghanistan.  There is no question that that war needed to end.  When the government of Afghanistan won't even take measures to defend themselves, then why should we shed American blood? The short answer is we shouldn't but the exit strategy (if there actually was one) was poorly planned.  Many people were left behind.  You need to do better, Joe.

I'm also wondering what our policy is toward illegal immigration.  It is still a mess at our southern border.  And while we no longer separate children from their families as Trump did, we still don't seem to have a handle on the situation there.  VP Kamala Harris is supposed to be overseeing that end of things.  I'm disappointed in how it's going.  You've got three years to get this under control, Kamala.

Finally, Joe's public appearances need to improve.  He often seems confused and a little out of it.  

In spite of all of this the economy is perking along as it should and while the pandemic is stalled,  that's because the country is full of jerks who won't get vaccinated.  That's not a government problem.  That's a people problem.

We need to give Biden and his people the time they need to straighten things out.  It doesn't help that we have an uncooperative congress.  They need to step up and be part of the solution. Not part of the problem.

All in all I'd say we are damned lucky the other guy isn't there.  That would have been disaster after disaster.


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