Monday, December 14, 2020

A Day to Remember

Here we are with another unforgettable day.  I've posted comments like this before.  These kinds of posts deal with extraordinary events-usually tragic ones-aside from one's personal life.  The last post of this kind was on Sept. 11th.  

It's the kind of remembrance when you know when it occurred and what you were doing and where you were when it all happened.  There aren't more than half a dozen or so in a person's lifetime.

Today's remembranc-12/14/12- is the shooting at Sandy Hook School where 20 children and 5 adults were killed by a deranged lunatic who shot his way into the school with an assault rifle.

Needless to say it rocked the nation-but especially our small community.

So, where was I and what time was it?  It was at about 9 o'clock in the morning just after the school day had started.  I was in my kidney doctor's office when the nurse came in and asked me "didn't you teach at Sandy Hook School?" To which I replied indeed I did. 

She told me to go out in the waiting room and look at the TV.  It was all down hill from there. A sad day, indeed.

As an aside, I would note that as I stated, the nation was rocked-but not rocked enough to do much about it because since then thousands and thousands of people have died as a result of gun violence.

Has our republican led congress taken action to prevent guns from fallen into the wrong hands? A loud NO answers that.  That's another tragedy!


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