Thursday, April 8, 2010

Global Warming?

Two things have come to my attention recently. First, it's hot-very hot. To be in the nineties at this point in the year is extraordinary. In fact yesterday was the hottest April 6th in recorded meteorological history. The second thing is the news that National Glacier Park has been reduced in size by several thousand acres. I forgot what I heard constitutes a glacier as opposed to just a big chunk of ice. It's something like a mass of about 25 acres in size. That's pretty big. As a result of these two things, some scientists are declaring global warming to be absolute fact. I find that to be unfortunate because first of all there are few if any 'absolutes' in science. Second, the fact that the glaciers are melting is definitely evidence of global warming but an unusually hot day now and then does not. Global Warming is something that has to be measured over a very long period of time. One day here and there isn't going to do it. Scientists who run around screaming the sky is falling are doing the field a great disservice. That's the reason why some people are so skeptical now about Global Warming. Tone it down, guys. Stay cool-as it were!

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