Saturday, October 31, 2009

Who Blogs?

This morning I noticed that I hadn't written a blog piece in several days. I was trying to think of something I could blog about. There were the usual suspects like my grand children, my day subbing, national politics, some piece of local trivia that agitated me for some reason, general observations about the human condition, volunteering experiences, etc. But I wanted to do something fresh and I couldn't think of anything so I decided to check out other blogs to see what other people say. According to information from the Google Blogspot information page there are anywhere between ten to fifteen million bloggers out there. That's just on the Google blogspot! That doesn't count millions of others that blog on other kinds of websites. That's a LOT of people. So what are they saying that's so important? Well, after reading many of them (not millions but a lot) I discovered that most people blog about....their families, their jobs, national politics, local trivia, general observations about the human condition and volunteering experiences! So I guess I'm not all that unusual. I also discovered that out of most of the blogs I read, people blog infrequently-some as little as once every few weeks or even months. I write a blog piece every few days. In fact there are stretches of time when I write something every day. It seems the only people who blog every single day are those who have absolutely nothing to do or who get paid for it. So what's the point of all this? Nothing much. Sorry. No brilliant insights. I'll just keep writing my pieces because I feel good about it and maybe someone out there enjoys reading them. Soooo...goodbye, until my next blog.

1 comment:

Tim said...

Keep blogging George. We sure enjoy your musings!