Monday, September 14, 2009

Gross Anatomy

I received an important anatomy lesson today from my 5 yr old grand daughter. It seems she was having considerable difficulty finishing her lunch but kept asking for a package of those little yogurt candies. I told her what I had heard millions of times as a kid and what I told my kids and what you've all heard many, many times, to wit: "If you have room for candy, you can finish your lunch." Now comes the lesson. I'll bet you didn't know that your stomach is divided into food group compartments. When one area was filled up, it means there's still room for other stuff in another spot. Hence, that's why she had no more room for the main part of the lunch but the dessert part was still empty. Bet you didn't know that. Listen and learn!


Tim said...

That's a classic, four chambered stomachs just like a cow. I will definitely follow her advice. Desert here we come!

Tim said...

I meant dessert. Deserts are too scary!