Tuesday, March 30, 2021

A Problem That Just Won't Go Away

President Biden got off to a strong start with the passage of his COVID relief plan-no thanks to the republicans.  Now, however,  he's up against the wall (no pun intended) with another sticky issue-the massive influx of undocumented people over the Mexican border-many of whom are children.

So...what should he be doing?  Here are his choices: 

Turn everyone away. No exceptions. Adults & children
Let everyone in.  Review the reasons for wanting to be here. Act accordingly.
Do what he's doing now.  Only let in unaccompanied children.  Care for them as well as possible until they can be returned to their parents.

Many republicans are calling for a return to Trump era strategies, i.e. separate children from their families and deport the adults while housing the children in detention camps.

Personally I don't see that he has a choice but to do what he's doing now.  It's the humane thing to do.  The question is what should be next.  What is the long term solution? I'm guessing it will end up being something like allowing essential workers through, reviewing cases where people are seeking refuge from oppressive regimes or drug gangs  and insisting children be accompanied.  Couple that with cooperation from Mexico and other countries south of Mexico and maybe the situation will improve.  Maybe.  

It's a very tough problem.  Cruel, inhumane solutions should not be part of the discussion. Period.  People are people.  It doesn't matter the color of their skin. 

Good luck with this one, Joe.  It could be your undoing next time around.  It is after all the main reason why Trump was elected to begin with.

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