Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Slowly back to normal

Things are slowly returning to normal.  This Friday I return to my discussion group at the nursing home where I volunteer.  The state is still very strict about nursing homes since they are the source of many of the COVID deaths.  I can have my group outside in a group no larger than 10 people.  Because my voice doesn't carry very far, I'll be using a microphone in order to maintain social distancing. 

We've also begun to eat (outdoors) at restaurants and we've been doing other kinds of errands as well. 

Compared to the other states-especially Florida-Connecticut is doing very well.  We went from having one of the highest per capita infection rates a few months ago to the lowest.  The way we did this was simple-we quarantined, wore masks and practiced social distancing. 

Those states now seeing a surge in infections relaxed their standards too quickly.  Now they're paying the price.  Yet, the governors are insisting children return to school.  Idiots.  I hope parents, teachers and other school staff and officials rebel. 

We're scheduled to go to our condo in Florida in November.  I thought when I booked the tickets we'd be easily over all of this.  Now I'm not so sure. 

I'll update this later.

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