Friday, March 22, 2024

A Brief History; Volume Two

Volume Two of A Brief History is now finished.  Here is the epilogue.  If you would like to read Volume Two-or Volume One for that matter-contact me and we'll work something out.  My email is or if you have my phone number, give me a call. 



Well, here we are.  Volume II, Chapter 50 and one year later.  This adventure called Storyworth has been quite an experience. It started with a gift subscription from my son and daughter-in-law over two years ago.  Every week for a year I received a prompt that became the basis for a story.  Fifty two stories later I received a hard covered book. That was Volume I.  I then picked it up from there by signing up for another year. Thus we have Volume II. This epilogue forms the last chapter.


Actually there really isn’t all that much to say at this point.  I’ve written a total of 100 stories about various aspects of my life.  I’ve covered just about everything ranging from my childhood to the present-just a couple of weeks past my 81st birthday.    Many of the stories were from prompts that Storyworth sent each week but there were other times when I rejected their prompt and made up one of my own. 


All in all I covered things like my early life, my kids and grandkids, my teaching career, my political and religious views, my days in the army, my family growing up and the one my wife and I created and  a variety of odds and ends that I’ll not list here since you may have already read them if not in Volume One then in this book. 


I was offered an opportunity to subscribe for yet another year’s worth of stories but I honestly don’t think I can come up with anything fresh.  After a while things would get repetitive so I will end it here.  On the other hand if you wanted to keep current on what’s going on in my head just check in on my blog spot from time to time.  It can be found at


This whole adventure served two purposes.  My first objective was to entertain those of my family and friends who wanted to read it and my second objective was strictly personal in the sense that this was a journey I wanted to take for myself.  I found myself being forced to reflect on things I hadn’t really thought about before or at least for a long time ago.  


Thanks to my wife who read all these pieces and offered suggestions and corrections where my memory failed me.  Thanks, too, to my children and grandchildren who offered suggestions for stories and who told me what they would like to read.  Now it’s time to find another activity.  






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