Sunday, January 31, 2021

Hello, February!

About the Month of February

Full Moon the 27th

Symbols of February: Birthstone: Amethyst Flower: Primrose

February was added to the Roman calendar in 713 BC. The length of the month changed over time and, at one time, it had as few as 23 days. When Julius Caesar remade the Roman calendar, the month was assigned 28 days during normal years and 29 days during leap years which occurs every four years.


Chinese New Year

National Freedom Day

Groundhog Day

Valentine's Day

President's Day

Mardi Gras

Ash Wednesday

Black History Month

American Heart Month
Chocolate Lover's Month

National Bird Feeding Month

National Dental Month


Fun Facts about February

It is the shortest month of the year.

The Welsh call February "y mis bach" which means "little month".

It is the third month of winter. In the Southern Hemisphere

February is a summer month the equivalent of August.

The month is named for the Latin word februum which means purification.

Together with January, it was the last of the months added to the Roman calendar.

The largest American sporting event of the year, the Super Bowl, is held in February.

The Saxon term for the month, Sol-monath, means "cake month".

This is because they offered cakes to the gods during this month.

Friday, January 29, 2021

No News Is Good News

Isn't it nice to be able to get up in the morning and not be bombarded with a bunch of crude, misspelled tweets?  Things are actually, well, dull!  Biden has been busy undoing 4 years of damage while actually showing some leadership where the pandemic is concerned.  I think we're in for a pretty good ride.

Even the weather here in Connecticut has been relatively pleasant.  Oh, it's still winter. Don't worry about that but no big, crushing ice or snow storms and with the exception of today (Friday the 29th) the temps have been manageable.  Today it is in the teens and very windy so wind chill makes it below zero.  Plus February is apparently coming in right on cue-A nor'easter possible for Monday into Tuesday so we have a long way to go but I'll take what I can get.

I had my first COVID shot last week and am due for my second one Feb. 11th.  The side effects were minimal and it was with a minimum of hassle getting the shot at the local hospital.  Things are definitely looking up.

Be on the look out for my February calendar and almanac and don't forget to check out  Lots of good pictures which I plan to update soon.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Better Days Ahead! A Few Unrelated Observations.

1.  He's gone! Imagine my joy, sitting there watching Marine One fading off into the distance, never to carry the likes of that fat load on board again.  What a four years this has been! But it's over.  Now on to better things.

2.  I rec'd my first COVID vaccine shot yesterday.  I'm scheduled for my second shot on February 11th.  After that I can breathe a little easier.  Now it's just a matter of getting Sandi vaccinated.

3.  Here we are with 10 days left in January and Old Man Winter has been pretty kind to us so far.  Hope I haven't jinxed us.  As anyone who lives in New England knows, February can be a brutal month so we'll see.

4.  Wear a mask-whether or not you've been vaccinated. You could still be a carrier.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Enough Is Enough!

 Recent events should leave no doubt whatever in anyone's mind.  Donald Trump is an unhinged, deranged lunatic unfit to govern.  He needs to be removed now-not in 8 days-but now.  Impeach him.  

What good will that do, you ask?  It will prevent him from ever running for office again.  That's the goal.  He may even end up in jail given his level of corruption but that's a long shot.  For now, I'll settle for his being barred from ever holding a political office. 

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Thirteen Traitors Come Forward

Tomorrow is January 6th.  It is among other things a day when there is to occur a very routine procedure in the Congress of the United States.  The Senate formally counts and accepts the Electoral College's votes.  It's been this way since 1790 when the United States adopted the constitution.

Not this year.  This year 12 republican senators and the sitting Vice President plan to challenge the results of the Electoral College.  The challenge will only result in some confusion and a slight delay in the inevitable, i.e. Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris will be officially president and vice president elects to be sworn in in two weeks.

It is my considered opinion that the actions of those 12 senators and the Vice president are tantamount to treason.  It is a concerted effort to undermine the Constitution and as a result nullify a legal and legitimate election.  

All of this is being done out of self interest.  Those 12 senators have their eyes on 2024 and they're betting Donald Trump will still be a powerful influence in the republican party.  They don't care one wit about their country or the democratic process.

The hell of it is there are a significant number of ordinary Americans who not only don't care, they applaud their efforts.  

How low we've become as a nation.  God help Biden and Harris.  They have an enormous job ahead of them.  Let's help them pull it off.

The following post was taken from Facebook.  I couldn't have said it better myself so I'm posting it here. I don't know who authored it so unfortunately I can't credit the person.