Saturday, April 4, 2009

Will That Be An AK47 or an M16, Sir?

Four Oakland, CA police officers ambushed. One killed. Sixteen people shot dead in Binghamton, NY by an man who lost his job. Three Pittsburgh, PA police officers killed in ambush by man wielding an AK47 assault rifle. These in just the past week or so. The list goes on and on. What is it about the NRA that scares politicians? Is it their lobbying power & all their money? Is it that their members number in the tens of millions? I don't know but I do know that there are not only too many guns in this country but they are too easy to get. Yeah, yeah, I know. The legendary frontier we all read about in history classes was settled by Messers Colt, Winchester & Remington. And I'm well aware that there are millions of people out there who participate in sport shooting whether it be hunting, target shooting, trap or skeet. I used to be one of them and I, in fact, still own a rifle although I haven't fired it in about 30 years so it would probably blow up in my face. So I get it. But what does someone need an AK47 for? And how do convicted felons get firearms? And how do they continuously end up in the hands of the wrong people? Does the Second Amendment or the NRA have an answer to those questions? Not a long time ago the ever-growing, Bush appointed, conservative wing of the Supreme Court pretty much took the Second Amendment out of play. Basically, if you want a gun, it's yours. If your state won't let you have one, not to worry. Get it at a gun show in Virginia or Alabama or Tennessee. The fact that the FBI may have a file on you isn't pertinent. How bad is that? Is there anyone man (or woman) enough to take on the NRA? I'm looking around but I don't see anyone. Not even Barack!


Anonymous said...

Hmmm ... per your recent Blogs ... I support the "Right to Bare Arms" and totally against "The Right to Bear Arms"!

George Stockwell said...

It's a moot point for now. The key is to keep them out of the wrong hands.