Friday, April 3, 2009

A Day At the Truck Museum

I spent the morning and part of the afternoon with a group of men from an assisted living facility. We visited a truck museum. I volunteer at this place and one other one or two days a week. There are relatively few men at this facility so the Director of Therapeutic Recreation has been working hard to provide social opportunities that they might not otherwise have. So far it is working very well. I started volunteer work shortly after I retired and as I have written before it is certainly a very worthwhile thing to do. Volunteering probably does as much for the volunteer as it does for the people you're working with. There are other volunteers there but not many. Some of them manage to give time while still working full time jobs. In addition to my regular visits there, the next trip scheduled is to the Botanical Gardens in NYC. Unfortunately, the amount of time this trip requires will exclude some of the men but efforts will be made to find something else for them at another time. So if you are retired or find you have some time on your hands, consider doing volunteer work. You won't regret it.

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