Friday, April 8, 2022

Living With COVID

 Well, in spite of our best efforts, we couldn't avoid contracting this stupid virus.  First Sandi tested positive and then me.  Our symptoms are pretty much what they described-labored breathing, achy and fatigue-especially fatigue.  Oddly enough we had no fever.  

I was miserable for maybe three days.  I was coughing and extremely tired but I bounced back pretty fast.  Sandi wasn't as lucky.  She has a persistent cough and she's very tired.  But she's improving by the day so I think we're headed out of the woods.  

I can't imagine how sick we would be had we not gotten the vaccines.  I'm positive Sandi would be in the hospital.

I've returned to pretty much normal routine but Sandi's recovery is taking longer.  It's bed rest for her until she's strong enough to resume some degree of activity.  

We're both planning on getting a second booster shot when they become available.  Maybe that will keep us safe for the foreseeable future. 

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