Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year and HELLO, January

May the year 2022 be happy and healthy for all of you.

Now here's some stuff about the month of January.

The Night Sky

Planets can be viewed in our part of the country during predawn hours.

Venus begins as a morning star but gradually rises above the horizon as the month moves on.



New Years Day

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Australia Day

National Book Month
National Thank You Month

National Eye Care Month

National Volunteer Blood Donor Month

National Soup Month

Birthstone: Garnet

Flower: Carnation

January was named after the Roman god Janus. Janus is also the Roman word for door. The god Janus had two faces which allowed him to look forwards into the coming year and backwards into the past year.

Just for Fun

  • January 1: Z Day (On this day, those whose last name begins with “Z” get to go first instead of last.)
  • January 3: National Chocolate-Covered Cherry Day
  • January 6: National Bean Day
  • January 8: Elvis Presley’s Birthday
  • January 10: National Houseplant Appreciation Day
  • January 14: National Dress Up Your Pet Day
  • January 20: National Penguin Day
  • January 22: National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day
  • January 29: National Puzzle Day

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