The Public Utility Regulatory Authority recently approved significant rate hikes for Connecticut Light and Power and United Illuminating.
I am not a customer of UI but I do have painful experience with CL&P. I have found this utility to be woefully mismanaged. During the past few years there have been numerous power outages during snow storms and hurricanes. Granted, this is not at all unusual and in fact to be expected but the agonizingly slow response and long duration of the outages is unacceptable.
I tried to get a list of the salaries of CL&P's top management but they were able to sneak through a loophole in the law and avoid disclosure. However, their parent company, Northeast Utilities, reports salaries for top management in the millions of dollars per year.
So now the very agency who is supposed to be safeguarding the consumer and ensuring we pay competitive prices yet again rewards negligence and incompetence.
Here's a quote from PURA's web site:
"PURA balances the public’s
right to safe, adequate and reliable utility service at reasonable rates
with the provider’s right to a reasonable return on its investment.
My question is who oversees PURA? Who do they answer to? Surely not the consumer! We already pay among the highest rates in the country. Time to write letters to reps I guess.
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