Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Guest blogger describes a recent ordeal

NOTE: From time to time I will post the remarks of guest bloggers. Here is the first of such posts. It was submitted by my friend, Gene Garriepy.

This past week has been quite an eventful one. A royal wedding, the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden, and the removal of a seventy-seven year old body part known as a gall bladder.

Take it from me, if you’re headed for surgery, laparoscopic is the way to go.

The Open Cholecystectomy is a thing of the past. No more three week recovery periods in the hospital. Nobody can afford it anyway. Just four small incisions are required, which, I might add, heal quickly and allow for a continued wearing of your favorite bikini.

But as with any surgery, there are risks and down sides. Your surgeon will be more than pleased to run down the list from misplacing your clothing to a Med. Insurance screw-up, which could cost the freedom of your wife and children.

I was in at 7:45AM and released to a bright new beautiful world at 5:30PM that same day.

The next five days were not without some discomfort or tenderness at the surgery point, together with some shoulder pain as a result of a gas used in the surgery. How well one deals with the anesthesia is a matter of individual differences.

The staff was just wonderful. Thoughtful, patient, and sensitive to my fears and needs.

Giving oneself over to strangers is not easy. But as Mommy would say, put trust in the skill of the surgeon and your faith in God.

As for the Royal wedding, I wish them a long and happy marriage. It sure cost enough.

Bin Laden’s ending was final justice. Though I might have wished he had the surgery I underwent without the benefit of anesthesia!

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