Friday, December 17, 2010

A New Game

Nicholas and Cole have established a nice little routine when I baby sit them every Wednesday and Friday. The activities they've dreamed up will probably continue as long as it's too cold to go outside.

So as soon as their mother leaves for work, they want to go upstairs to their rooms.

After jumping on Cole's bed for a while we go into Nicholas's room where there's a little more floor space.

Once there Grandpa becomes a donkey (some may say that's not a stretch) and I get ridden around for a while.

When they (and I) tire of that, we go into the hallway which is a nice long run, and they run up and down into each other's arms.

We do that for over an hour. Then it's downstairs for a little snack & some TV.

Then it's time to get out the paints and crayons for play in the play room with any number of things in there.

Soon it's lunch time. When lunch is over we play a little while longer until it's time for Nicholas's nap at which time Cole goes to his room for little quiet time.

Cole comes down well before Nicholas gets up because he likes alone time with grandpa so we play until their mother gets home.

A routine like this makes the day go by pretty fast. And as soon as it begins to warm up, we'll have more time outside.

The only downside to the whole thing is Cole feels bad when I leave but I assure him I'll be back.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, George, you are doing such a good job as a grendfather. You should get a grandfather award of somekind.
