Sunday, July 12, 2009

Is Anyone Really Surprised?!

Hey, how about good ol' Dick Cheney? What a swell guy, huh?
But is anyone really surprised at this dirt bag's level of deceit? Not me-and if you're one of those who are constantly justifying these jerks by saying 'but they (Bush, Cheney) kept us safe for 7 years!", let me dissuade you of that faulty notion-They most certainly did NOT keep us safe for 7 years or anytime for that matter. They made the world a far more dangerous place. The reason why we haven't had another terrorist attack since 911 is because of the diligence of local, state & federal law enforcement agencies-not Bush and Cheney. So let's put that one to rest once and for all. You can bet there's going to be more and more stuff coming out on how these two guys shredded the constitution. Stay tuned.

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