Tuesday, June 9, 2009

How Great Is This!

Awww...poor Sarah. It seems she was invited, uninvited, reinvited and finally uninvited to speak at an important Republican National Committee fund raising function. Why all this confusion? The organizers didn't want to upstage the Republican's de facto leader, fat gas bag Newt Gingrich. Isn't this great stuff? I'd love to see Gingrich emerge as the guy who eventually runs against Obama for his second term. By then it will be clear Obama's aggressive policies worked and someone somewhere in the news media will have dug up all the sordid stuff in Gingrich's past revealing him to be the lying dirt bag he is. The election will be over by the summer of 2012. But that is 3 years away so we can't get ahead of our selves, can we? So stay tuned. The Republicans have plenty of time to damage themselves even more!

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