Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Here We Go Again

I think it’s appropriate to quote that Great American Conservative, Ronald Reagan (genuflect when you say that)-“Here we go again.” Air Force One has barely rolled to a stop and already conservative gas bags are jumping all over him. First they’re complaining that he’s trying to do too much and now they’re saying he hasn’t accomplished enough. For example Laura Ingraham appeared on the Today show this morning ranting and raving and generally running off at the mouth on Obama’s trip. It seems too much attention was paid to issues of little or no substance, i.e. Michelle’s wardrobe, lots of hand-shaking and smiles, photo ops, etc. Instead he should have returned home with a troop commitment from France; stopped North Korea from launching its pathetic little missile and a whole host of other stuff. Never mind that this is his first trip abroad as president. Never mind that he’s stepping into territory that for the past eight years was held in contempt by the previous administration who delighted in flipping off our allies and pugnaciously snarling “bring it on!!”. Never mind that the art of diplomacy and negotiation requires a great deal of time, patience and finesse. It’s unbelievable, but when you think about it not at all unexpected because conservative pundits in general and the republican leadership in particular have absolutely nothing to offer this country except their constant whining, complaining, criticism and hostility. Ingraham, Coulter, Limbaugh, Gingrich, Boehner, Jindal and all the rest are completely out of touch with America’s needs. In a sense you’ve got to feel sorry for them. They’re such a pathetic, irrelevant, disorganized and off message group that all they can really do is throw their tantrums in hopes that someone will listen. Well, lucky for the rest of us, they’re being ignored-except of course by Fox News but who cares. They can listen to each other. Rave on, mindless fools.


Anonymous said...

They are fear mongering, simple minded, manipulative zealots who get rich off of peoples anger and fear.

gael lynch said...

Okay...well, here I am at a resort in sunny Florida--you know the state where the previous election was a botch job at best? I'm not blaming the good people of Florida, they've been through enough. But today, I had a close encounter at the towel stand! This older bulbous-shaped (they all look like that, I swear!) Repub. is a superintendent of schools in a state that will remain unnamed...and he's declaiming our current President speaking of the trillions of dollars of debt my great-grandchildren have already incurred. I hastened to remind him that the CURRENT prez has only been in office for the full months of Feb., March and part of April. I told him he should dust off his memory and take heed of the fact that we'd barely heard the TRillion before GWB took office. He spoke of Commies and Socialists and I told him he was full of propaganda and needed to readjust his truthometer. Then I told him I'd have to leave, because I am a lady after all, and aside from wrestling this one in the mud, he was barking up the wrong tree. I also told him this kind of talk was not good for his blood pressure. Tee-hee...just another day in paradise!! ( 'last word' so to speak...he said GWB would go down in history as the best prez ever! I then told him NOT ON A BET! (Was tempted to swing a towel at him on that one.) When I went back later the towel guy (retired teacher from Norwalk) and I had a great laugh...after he gave me the stay-away-vampire-sign, that is!

George Stockwell said...

Interesting. I hope I run into him (literally and figuratively) when we're in FL in a couple of weeks!