Monday, January 26, 2009

Small (well maybe not so small) Annoyances

Well, here we go, a new administration, a time for hope and optimism. Unfortunately there are already a few things that concern me, to wit:

A. If Obama is going to close Guantanamo, what’s going to happen to the guys who are there? I read somewhere that they’re going to be released. Some of them continue to swear allegiance to Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Isn’t that a problem? Something doesn’t seem right.

B. The stimulus package being advanced by Nancy Pelosi has so much pork in it, it’s ridiculous! Fine, the economy needs an infusion of cash, but why be wasteful? One of Obama’s biggest challenges is going to be reining in Pelosi. Good luck with that!

C. On 60 Minutes Sunday night there was a piece about a town in Ohio that is in dire straights do to the closing of the one company that was employing its 12000 people. One of the men interviewed had just lost a son in Iraq and he wanted to know why financial institutions are getting bailed out to the tune of $700 billion while ordinary people are ignored. Very good question!

D. How well did Obama’s team vet Timothy Geithner for Sec’y of the Treasury? He somehow fails to pay taxes for the last two years???? Uh, not good for a Sec’y of the Treasury of all things, is it? Pay attention to details, Barack, and don’t delegate too much. Obviously you can’t do it all but the buck stops at your desk. Period


gael lynch said...

Well, I am glad the admin. has a watchdog. I trust Barack's ambitions and belief systems, but the circle is so wide there, it can be a recipe for disaster if any one thread unravels, as we have seen. We are becoming a bit threadbare all over this land. One thing, though, that the gluttonous/greedy in our government need to know that we ARE watching now, and they'd better get their act together and demonstrate that. I'm not so sure I want to see our journalists outfoxed by YouTubing us in a way that goes unquestioned. Boy...imagine what Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld would've done with that, if they only knew how! Loved the reference to Cheney in the wheelchair and Mr. Potter in It's a Wonderful Life in the news last week, though. Sometimes you gotta find reason to laugh, or you'd go crazy!

George Stockwell said...

I'm not really as worried as my blogs would sometimes lead you to think. Obama is a very, very sharp guy. He's on top of it. I'm very confident.

gael lynch said...

Me too! Keep the's way early here! :)

Check out 'Defined by the Mystery', my friend John's daughter's Peace Corp blog. Her latest entry will get you thinking. You can access it from blogs I follow.

Happy Thursday!

George Stockwell said...

Very interesting piece. I think I'll create a link to it from my website. I have another link to a blog by Peace Corps workers and I've heard people enjoy reading it. Of course she's a member of the extended family so....