Saturday, October 29, 2022

Hello, November

About the month of November

 November 8th-Full Moon

Aviation Month
American Diabetes Awareness Month
National Stamp Collecting Month
National Peanut Butter Lover's Month



Symbols of November

  • Birthstone: Topaz and citrine
  • Flower: Chrysanthemum

Interesting Facts about November

  • It is the last month of the Fall season.
  • November in the Northern Hemisphere is similar to May in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • Elections are held in the United States on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
  • The third Thursday of November is the Great American Smokeout. Smokers are encouraged by the American Cancer Society to stop smoking on this day.
  • Some Christian churches celebrate All Saint's Day on the first day of November and All Souls Day on the 2nd.
  • American football is the main sport watched in the United States during this month.
  • Most, if not all, of the leaves have fallen off the trees by the end of November.

November Calendar

“Just for Fun” Dates in November

November is Banana Pudding Lovers Month—who knew? Here are some more wacky celebrations to look forward to:

  • Nov. 1: National Cook for Your Pets Day
  • Nov. 6: Zero-Tasking Day
  • Nov. 9: National Scrapple Day
  • Nov. 16: National Button Day
  • Nov. 21: World Hello Day
  • Nov. 23: Fibonacci Day

November Moon & Astronomy

The Full Beaver Moon

November’s full Moon is traditionally called the Beaver Moon. Why this name? In the Colonial Era, this was the month to set one’s beaver traps before the swamps froze and beavers retired to their lodges, to ensure a supply of warm winter furs.

In 2022, November’s full Moon occurs on Tuesday, November 8. Read our November Moon page for more information!

Catch a Total Lunar Eclipse (“Blood Moon”)

In the early morning hours of November 8, a total lunar eclipse will be visible from much of North America. The full eclipse begins at 5:16 A.M. EST, reaching totality at 5:59 A.M. EST. Read all about the upcoming November eclipse here

November Weather

According to weather folklore, a heavy November snow will last until April.

November Weather Folklore

  • If there’s ice in November that will bear a duck, There’ll be nothing after but sludge and muck.
  • November take flail; let ships no more sail.
  • If trees show buds in November, the winter will last until May.
  • There is no better month in the year to cut wood than November.
  • Ice in November brings mud in December.


Friday, October 21, 2022

Odds and Ends

Herein lies yet another edition of "odds and ends".

1. Lawn signs/TV political ads: Man, am I ever sick of these things.  How many lawn signs does it take to convince someone to vote for their guy (or gal)?  I mean is it really necessary to have as many as a dozen signs lined up in a row?  Freedom of speech and all that is fine but let's use a little common sense. 

The TV ads are just as annoying as the lawn signs.  As it gets closer and closer to election day, the ads get more and more nasty.  I guess all this is a small price to pay for living in a democracy but I can't wait for election day.

2.  I wish the democrats would stop talking up the abortion side of the recent Roe vs Wade decision.  I realize that's what everyone thinks it's about but to me it isn't.  To me it's about choice-a woman's choice to decide for herself matters concerning her life.  I think that argument would gain more traction with voters.

3. How about FL governor Ron DeSantis and Texas governor Gregg Abbott sending migrant families to New York and Martha's Vinyard?  It doesn't matter where you stand on the immigrant issue.  It simply a matter of human decency.  These two governors are using people to make their point and it stinks.  They're a couple of sleazy dirt bags who are up for reelection this year.  Dare we hope they're voted out?

4. And now on a more cheerful note:  We just returned from Rome, Italy.  We went there with my daughter's family to visit my grand daughter who is in her first semester of college there.  It was a busy but great trip.  We got to see the Colosseum, the Vatican, the Roman baths and many other interesting historical sites.  

We did a great deal of walking which was fortunate since the food is amazing.  From time to time we took a cab to further places.  Thank God I wasn't driving.  They're nuts over there.  You take your life in your hands walking and driving.  

I will post pictures on my web site soon.  Check it out.