The big news in the sports world (and pretty much everywhere else) is Tiger Woods's accident which by the way has been termed 'minor' in spite of initial incorrect reports that Tiger was seriously hurt. Tiger has yet to meet with police to discuss the causes of his 2:30 A.M. adventure and he's certainly not discussing it with the press. If it were anyone else, the matter would be quickly forgotten. Yet, the rumor mill has been churning furiously-powered by the media's lust for more juicy information. There's this general belief that in all cases the public's right to know supersedes all other individual rights-especially the right to privacy. So the rumors abound, i.e. Tiger's wife hit him with a golf club, Tiger was fleeing a violent domestic dispute, Tiger was under the influence of pain medication, etc. The list goes on. How ridiculous! Why don't people just leave him alone? It's no one's business-not yours, not mine, not the nation's. This right to public knowledge thing is way out of hand and it's not the media that's at fault. If there were no people buying all those trashy magazines you see at the check out counter of grocery store in the nation, how long do you think they'd be publishing? Remember the immortal words of comic strip writer Walt Kelly's character, Pogo who was the wise little opossum living in Okefenokee Swamp: We have met the enemy and they is us!